Day Three

Day Three- Be kind to others .Surprise someone else with a small gift.
 As a teacher I sometimes get little Christmas gifts from my students. One of my favorite this year was a five dollar gift card to a famous coffee shop. That modest amount was enough for an indulgent muffin and a small house blend. It made my day. 
 The gift doesn’t have to be expensive and you don’t need to know the person. Why not buy the guy behind  you his morning coffee? Pick up your spouse’s favorite ice cream or candy bar. Have it ready for a bad day. The neat thing about this is that you’ll get as much happiness as they will. Who knows, someone may do it for you!


  1. Great idea for theme of the month! Today's specific suggestion is very useful. And gift can be gift of time or something you already have, like passing along a good book or calling an old friend. I find I get much more out of giving than receiving. It's energizing.

  2. One of my goals this year into find the joy - in everything. Lovely blog.

  3. Thanks for your comments, ladies. Please pass along this blog address to others who might like it.


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