
Showing posts from June, 2012

Enjoy this original story.

Last year the Midwest suffered severe flooding. I wrote this story after hearing how people were being forced from their homes. Please send me a comment if you'd like.                                                                 Flood of Emotions             “The levee just burst at Hamburg!” I looked up from my romance novel as my husband Joe snapped off the 6:00 news. “You know what that means don’t ya?” “Yeah, it means those poor folks are going to have a mess in their basements.” I marked my page with a finger and glanced over at him sprawled in his recliner. “More than that, honey. It means we’d better be pack...

All you've done makes the person you've become

I was working at school today with a co-teacher on social studies plans for the up-coming school year. We got off track and talked about our pasts. Okay, so the past and history isn't really too far off-track. Anyway, we both learned something new about one another. I made the comment that  all the jobs I've held have made me a more well-rounded and  interesting teacher and writer. She stared at me for an instant and then she got that 'aha' look. "You know, I never thought about it that way," she replied. She continued,   "That's what makes me so damn fascinating! All the times I've been fired." We both about fell off our chairs laughing. Find something funny and fall off your chair! Jewell

Research adds interest and authenticity

Using actual historical events adds a layer of interest to your story. Be accurate and responsible when researching. Use primary resources when possible (diaries, letters, first-hand accounts). Avoid sites where anyone can add anything. Yes, there is a lot of false information wafting through the internet. You will be amazed at the bizarre things that happen in real life. For example, did you know that  Confederate president Jefferson Davis hid hundreds of thousands of dollars in gold and silver from the Yankees when they invaded Richmond, Virginia in 1865? Did you know that it hasn't been accounted for?    Read more in my second book Still Faithful coming soon on